I’m on a Mission, Deer

I’m on a Mission, Deer

April 2020   minute read

A convenience store employee in Fort Collins, Colorado, received some unexpected patrons one afternoon. Lori Jones was working her usual shift when suddenly a doe walked into the store and began perusing the merchandise, as if it were picking out some gifts for her family. Jones was able to shoo the deer out, but about a half hour later, the doe showed back up, and this time, with her entire family in tow. The doe strolled into the store once again, but the other three deer peered into the store just outside the door, waiting for mom to give them the OK to enter. Jones was able to draw the doe out but not before snapping some incredible close-up images of the doe and her family.

The Five-Second Rule

Solve a math problem and get free c-store merchandise? Seems too good to be true, but one young convenience store worker in the Bronx makes that a reality for customers. The game is simple: Solve a math problem and get five seconds to grab anything off the convenience store shelves for free. The goal is to help people, according to the 20-year-old college student, who pays for everything that is grabbed. The worker, Ahmed Alwan, created a TikTok showing the game, and he now has 500,000 followers on TikTok and 82,500 on Instagram. Alwan plans to continue making videos and has started a GoFundMe to support the game and enable him to help more people.

Love is in the Air

One couple can thank a c-store for their love story. Ashton and Jake first met at a Pilot Flying J store in Knoxville, Tennessee, when Ashton asked for Jake’s number. Since that momentous day, each year on their anniversary, they stop into the store to celebrate, and Jake could not think of a more befitting place to ask Ashton to marry him. “It seemed fitting that I ask for her hand in marriage at the place she asked for my number. We call it ‘our Pilot’ and always stop by on the anniversary of when we started dating. Now we’ll stop by for the anniversary of our marriage,” said Jake.

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