Rare vs. Frequent Customers

Rare vs. Frequent Customers

April 2020   minute read

NACS regularly surveys and assesses customers’ (and clusters of customers) values, concerns and paths to purchase to help our members better understand their customers and drive more value. Segmenting for gender, generation and community are common methodologies. Below, we look at frequency of visits.

Based on a recent survey, we discovered that rare shoppers are largely comprised of adults 50 and older. While people in this age group don’t generate a lot of profits for c-stores, the demographic can—and often does—stop stores from being built. Why? Because they flood zoning hearings when you are attempting to open a new store. So, the key for retailers is not to design a store for these older, rare shoppers but instead, discover ways to let these shoppers know that your store has more to it than they think.

Source: NACS Consumer Survey conducted by PSB
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