Make Your Voice Heard

Make Your Voice Heard

February 2019   minute read

Formerly known as the Government Relations Conference, NACS Day on the Hill, taking place March 12-13, 2019, in Washington, D.C., brings the convenience retailing industry together to advocate and share our story with lawmakers. There’s no better way to explain your business directly to lawmakers and share how policies affect your company and the c-store industry.

We are dedicated to training you to be a strong advocate both in your Capitol Hill meetings and at home.

NACS makes it easy by prepping you with a training video and briefing materials for each issue before you step foot on Capitol Hill. We are dedicated to training you to be a strong advocate both in your Hill meetings and beyond.

The team at NACS:

  • Schedules your congressional meetings and pairs you with other convenience retailers and experienced advocates;
  • Prepares you with pre-reads, on-site briefing materials and training on how to participate in a successful congressional meeting;
  • Provides you with all of the information you need to share with your elected officials; and
  • Equips you with knowledge and skills you can apply immediately back home.

Each voice matters! Don’t miss this opportunity to be a strong advocate for the convenience store industry and help protect convenience across the United States.

Click here to register for NACS Day on the Hill or for more information.

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