Making Sustainability Convenient: The NACS Sustainability Playbook

Making Sustainability Convenient: The NACS Sustainability Playbook

June 2023   minute read

Convenience retailers have increasingly developed and incorporated business goals and KPIs into their strategic plans that focus on sustainability. At its core, the concept of sustainability is to meet current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. For businesses, embracing sustainability presents opportunities to grow sales and increase efficiencies.

For businesses, embracing sustainability presents opportunities to grow sales and increase efficiencies.

The NACS Sustainability Playbook was published just as the world was facing the effects of an economic downturn brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. While this resource provides timeless guidance, it also can help businesses sustain themselves by:

  • Reducing costs
  • Growing a customer base
  • Creating efficiencies
  • Fostering a community spirit

Content throughout this resource highlights where retailers can take credit for initiatives they are doing well and identifies opportunities to do more. Every business is on a different point in their sustainability journey, and NACS encourages retailers to use this playbook as a guide for advancing the areas most relevant to their business today and considering how other areas could transform their business in the future. Access this free resource: NACS Sustainability Playbook.

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