Finding a Unicorn

Finding a Unicorn

May 2019   minute read

A mask is usually the go-to accessory for hiding one’s face, but not for one Maryland man. His preferred disguise? A unicorn costume. The man, dressed in a full-body, white and pink unicorn costume and wielding a crowbar, robbed a convenience store, taking money and cigarettes. The responding officers quickly made a U-turn when they spotted him and his accomplice driving toward them in their getaway car. The driver lost control of his vehicle and crashed, and both people were taken into custody, uninjured. Some unicorns are easy to find.

Car Confusion

Electric vehicles may be catching on in the U.S. slower than in other countries, but for one woman, it’s going to take much longer. A video captured a woman attempting to pump her Tesla Model S with gas. She begins by searching for the gas cap for nearly a minute before she opens the charging port, thinking she’s solved the mystery, but of course, the fuel nozzle doesn’t fit. Still confused, she carefully inspects the port, opens the trunk and looks around, searches around the car again, and eventually phones for help. Luckily, a kind stranger approaches the woman informing her that she cannot, in fact, pump her Tesla full of gas. Perhaps she forgot she was behind the wheel of a completely electric-powered car, despite its almost silent engine, or perhaps it was her friend’s car? Either way, we hope this is a lesson she won’t soon forget.

Balancing Act

As warmer weather creeps in, and the days begin to get longer, let’s not forget the bitter cold temperatures some parts of the U.S. coped with this winter. Earlier this year, an Iowa meteorologist tweeted a photo of what appeared to be an optical illusion—a frozen gas pump handle balancing on its hose, allowing it to stand upright on its own. “I guess extreme cold can do some funny things!” tweeted the meteorologist. Brrr!

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