Hiring Right

Hiring Right

May 2019   minute read

The convenience store industry employed 2.36 million people in 2018, according to recently released NACS State of the Industry data, a slight decrease from 2.38 million in 2017. Despite a tight labor market, store associate turnover decreased from 121% in 2017 to 118% in 2018. However, retailers are also paying employees more: Wages were up 4.4% and the average wage for a store associate increased to $10.74 per hour.7

Finding the “right” talent to fill all roles in your organization is critical to business success. Yet in spite of some of the promising numbers above, recruitment challenges abound in the convenience industry, making it difficult to attract good candidates. However, leveraging some screening and assessment tools—combined with other recruiting methods and structured interviews—can help you ensure you hire right the first time.

Companies That Use Screening/Assessment Tools During the Hiring Process of a Store Manager/Assistant Manager (By Firm Size)

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