Thirty-thousand new products enter the marketplace each year, and with innovation making up to 20% of a convenience store’s set, new products are critical. To help retailers identify the latest and greatest, the Cool New Products Preview Room at the NACS Show offered a sneak peek of what’s soon to be on shelves in c-stores everywhere. Clearly, innovation and new ideas were not paused in 2021.
New this year, attendees used the NACS My Show Planner mobile app to discover all the details about the products including the exhibitor’s name, booth location and release date. The app’s frictionless scanning feature allowed attendees to create a “personal shopping list” to check out the products on the expo floor.
Of the 277 new products on display in the room, here are the top 10 Cool New Products at the NACS Show, based on 11,350 total scans:

1. Mashgin
The Touchless Checkout System

2. Naturipe Farms LLC
Naturipe Snacks™—Berry Parfait and Boost Bentos & Bliss Bentos

3. Lancer Worldwide
IBD Bold 30i

4. Toysmith
Joy Tower 360

5. The SAM Machine Corp. dba SAM Corp.
The SAM Machine

6. C4
C4 Energy

7. Anchor Packaging
Crisp Food Technologies® Fry Baby®

8. 5-hour Energy
Innovation in on-the-go products

9. David’s Cookies
Individually Packaged Retail Ready Products: Cake Slices, Muffins, Cheesecake and 6-inch Pies.

10. David’s Cookies
Individually Packaged Retail Ready Products: Brownies, Edible Cookie Dough Cups, Gluten Free items and a new cookie flavor: Chocolate Caramel Nut with Snickers.
New Products All Year
NACS has several ways for you to discover what’s new—and cool—in the convenience channel, and you don’t have to wait for the NACS Show in Las Vegas in 2022 to check them out.
Each month NACS Magazine’s Cool New Products Guide helps you find new packaging solutions, merchandising displays, technology, product designs and exciting new flavors.
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