One Voice: Andrew Sokolski

One Voice: Andrew Sokolski

October 2019   minute read

This month, NACS talks with Andrew Sokolski, executive vice president of strategic alliances, Whirley-DrinkWorks!
Andrew Sokolski

As a supplier member on the political engagement committee, what does NACS political engagement mean to you, and what benefits have you experienced from being politically engaged?

Our family believes NACS political engagement is best conducted as a team effort. We feel it is vital in helping shape the conversation around decisions that directly affect Whirley-DrinkWorks and our convenience retail partners. We maintain direct channels of communication at home and through NACS events and now have willing partners in Washington, D.C., interested in discussing the issues that matter most to us and our community.

What federal legislative or regulatory issues keep you up at night?

We closely follow regulatory issues involving health and wellness, particularly in relation to obesity and the potential implementation of a sugar tax and the restrictions on serving size. We’re also carefully monitoring the current tariff war and how this will impact our offerings to convenience retailers.

What c-store product could you not live without?

I can’t live without kettle chips and refills of coffee and soft drinks to keep me going!
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