
Showing 1 - 9 of 90 items

Magazine Article Date

Far From Settled

The class action lawyers settled the swipe fee litigation … and it’s a bad deal for retailers. So what’s next?

Far From Settled

June 2024

One Voice: Rob Gallo

This month, NACS talks to Rob Gallo, chief strategy and marketing officer, Impact 21

One Voice: Rob Gallo

June 2024

Convenience United: Celebrating NACS Day on the Hill

Industry advocates head to Capitol Hill and urge Congress to stand up for Main Street.

Convenience United: Celebrating NACS Day on the Hill

June 2024

State-Level Advocacy Bolsters Industry Impact

The NACS government relations team and state associations work together for the good of the industry.

State-Level Advocacy Bolsters Industry Impact

May 2024

One Voice: Tony Miller

This month, NACS talks to Tony Miller, executive vice president, Delek US

One Voice: Tony Miller

May 2024

Inside the Biden Administration’s Ambitious EV Charging Goal

NACS has worked to ensure retailers have a level playing field.

Inside the Biden Administration’s Ambitious EV Charging Goal

April 2024

One Voice: Bill Weigel

This month, NACS talks to Bill Weigel, chief executive officer, Weigel’s.

One Voice: Bill Weigel

April 2024

The Battle Over Menthol Persists

The Biden Administration delays its bans but the threat remains.

The Battle Over Menthol Persists

March 2024

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