Breaking Down Today’s Nicotine Consumer

The modern user is younger and savvier—and critical to convenience.

Breaking Down Today’s Nicotine Consumer

January 2024   minute read

By: Melissa Vonder Haar

Fifty years ago, you wouldn’t have talked about the nicotine consumer or even the tobacco consumer—the category was pretty much about cigarettes and cigarettes alone.

Management Science Associates Inc. (MSA) has been tracking the nicotine category since the company started in the late 1960s. Said MSA’s senior vice president Don Burke, “Back in the ’60s and ’70s, almost all tobacco sales went to cigarettes.”

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Melissa Vonder Haar

Melissa Vonder Haar

 Melissa Vonder Haar is the marketing director for iSEE Store Innovations. Follow her on Twitter at @iSeeMelissaV.

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